Tuesday, May 10, 2011


Please, blog world, forgive me for moving my blog! And thank you, dear readers and followers, for joining me here.
Sometimes one just needs to start over, fresh and new. I did it all the wrong way and in hindsight, I simply would have kept the address but changed the name of my blog...do you think it is too late to do that? Ah well, at any rate, I did the deed...all my posts, however, are still there...over there.
I hope you will all forgive  me and humor me and continue your silent but friendly support by joining me at the indigo rabbit. I do have a plan!

Sunday, November 28, 2010

A recipe for you!

The Serena Sweater
Yarn: Brown Sheep Cotton fleece
Needle: Size 7 circular (It was a long one) and set of 5 size 7 double points
For a size 6/7 girls', Cast on 74 over 4 double points , join for knitting in the round
Knit 2 rounds. On second round, knit 13, PM, K1, PM, K 10, PM, K 1, PM, K 25, Pm, K1, PM, K 10, PM, K 1, PM, K 12 (place different marker here to indicate beginning of round if desired)
Knit, increasing one stitch on either side of marked stitch (k to marker, K 1 f&b, slip marker, k 1, slip marker, k 1 f&b)
Knit a round in between increase rounds.
Knit until the sweater just meets at the armpits. I knitted mine until it was a touch longer, to add for growth.
Place the sleeve stitches on scrap yarn and join the bodice for working in the round. Count your stitches. At the underarms, cast on about 6 extra stitches. The goal is to end up with a multiple of 3. On this sweater, it was 120 stitches.
Knit one round.
Feather and fan round: * K2 tog (3 x) K 1, YO (3 x)*, repeat from * * all the way around.
Knit 2 rounds plain.
Repeat feather and fan round once more.
Knit, adding side increases every 3 inches.
When sweater is desired length, k a round, p a round to create a garter stitch border. Mine was 10 rounds.
Cut yarn. Place sleeve stitches on double points, adding the same number of  extra stitches that you did at the underarms. Knit until sleeves are desired length, adding a garter stitch border as above.
Repeat for second sleeve.
Weave in ends. If desired, crochet around the neck edge for stability (that's what I did but it's your sweater)
That's it! now watch your 7-year-old daughter wear it every day. It just warms your heart.
And now, the Thanksgiving picture that beat out all the other ones:
Thanks for the haircut (s) Grandma!(We had a wonderful time. Thank you for EVERYTHING)

Sunday, January 24, 2010

The Pilot Cap

EDIT: Please email me: angela_mobley@hotmail.com and I will send you a PDF of the pattern for free.

I made this little pilot cap pattern when Davis was small...maybe 7 or 8 months ago. Honestly, it is so very simple. I've been tweaking it and hope to add sizes and make enough to have a stack around the house. I love them because you can use them for wearing indoors. I also love the Scandinavian aesthetic...it's such a protective gesture.
I try to make them out of knit fabrics for their softness, and also thick diaper flannel I have left over from making diapers.To save money, we turn our heat to about 65 degrees by day, and 60 by night. So we have to wear sweaters and socks and the baby gets a pilot cap.
The pattern on the sidebar is free and assumes you are familiar with following a pattern and sewing basic things. I think if you are a beginner it would be a good project with someone teaching you how to sew the curves, and how to pin baste. Davis is a year old and for this one I added length and width on the square sides, took in the top a little, added sashes and a lip for grow room.
Off to make more pilot caps!

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Mindless knitting- a solution to lack of baby socks!

Poor Davis. He's a 4th child, AND a baby, which means his socks are frequently lost. Plus, he is not a walker yet, and those flimsy baby socks, even with baby shoes on top, just don't seem warm enough. and, as much as I love knitting baby booties, I need stuff that is faster than even the simplest bootie pattern.
So, I came up with something even simpler, believe it or not.

Knit-to-fit baby slippers
Cast on 28 stitches over size 6 needles. Knit roughly 20 rows for a one-year-old, or knit to the thickness of the baby's upper ankle. (optional: add 3 sets of short rows at either end of the slipper by knitting 8, wrapping the next stitch, and turning.) (also optional: cast on more for a cuff.)
Knit 2 together at the beginning of the next 4 rows. (for smaller babies, I suggest casting off 6 at the beginning of the next 2 rows)
Knit until the slipper is as long as the baby's foot, plus a row or two to grow on.
Knit 2 together all the way across the row.
Break yarn, thread a large tapestry needle, and instead of casting off the stitches, thread them onto the needle and gather. Stitch up the front. Stitch the back seam. Crochet a chain, thread it through the top of the slipper.
Stick them on your baby as fast as you can!